Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Celebrations Delivered On Line Class Cards

This weekend I participated in the Celebrations Delivered on line classes from Scrapbook and Cards Today. One of the beautiful stamps we received was a gorgeous floral bouquet and here are three cards I made using that stamp in 3 very different ways:

The first card is a version of one taught by Mindy Eggen, the second from a class by Meghann Andrews and the 3rd I learned how to do from the GOAT, Jennifer McGuire. Here is a peak at the inside of the last card featuring a stamp from Magnusen Stamps I have been meaning to use:

I loved the idea that Meghan Andrews taught so much, but I screwed up my first two and kept trying until I got it right:

The recipients will never know I made mistakes on these cards, but I did. The card that was taught was an A2 sized card, but on my sympathy card, I made it slightly larger so that beautiful floral background showed more. Here are three more cards I made my own way after watching the classes:

1 comment:

Denise Bryant said...

Beautiful cards! It looks like you got lots of inspiration during the classes! i love that 3rd card too, with such a pretty fold and a fun stamp inside the card!