Monday, June 10, 2024

Spellbinders 3D To The Max Wax Seals and Embossed Shapes

Spellbinders has just released new 3D Emboss and Cut and 3D wax seal stamps that take 3D to a whole new level!  In my new video here, I share many cards made with the new Floral For You 3D Emboss and Cut Folder and matching 3D Peony Butterfly Wax Seal Stamp and above is the card and wax seal I made step by step in the video. It is a tri-fold with doors created with arched floral shapes created out of glitter pink and purple cardstock. The oval wax seal is more 3D than any I have made before and is even better IRL. Here is a look at the card open showing a tag and gift card in a pocket:

Here is another arched card I also made with the same embossing folder and die set as well as the 3D Peony Butterfly Wax Seal stamp. Both of these cards arched shapes were created with Spellbinders Essential Arches die set. 

There are so many ways to create cards with these unbelievably textured 3D Emboss and Cut shapes and wax seals, and on this card I added color to the flowers and butterflies with brushed on inks;

I created a pocket with two of the embossed shapes and then tucked in a tag created with the smallest and added a wax seal to the tag. A gift card could also be tucked in there as well.

To see all the cards I created and how easy these 3D wax seals are to make, watch the new video here.

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